EMDR Therapy

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Introduction to the 5 major resource figures and how they help.

Over the years resource tapping (the act of left right, left right activities such as hearing audio go from one ear to the other on a continuous basis) has expanded and developed considerably. There are many positive resources that can be tapped in that comfort us, lift our spirits, or empower us, including inherent qualities such as love, wisdom, and joy, as well as memories, experiences, images that arise from our imaginations, and people to whom we can connect. Resource tapping is used to reduce anxiety and depression, help with sleep, increase creativity and performance, aid in healing, and decrease distress after a traumatic incident.

The resource “peaceful place” is a place developed in your mind and can be used to calm yourself and reduce anxiety. The peaceful place is somewhere you feel safe and protected. The resource can be somewhere you know, have been before, or created in your imagination.

In the following episodes you’ll have the opportunity to develop 5 resources.
1. Spiritual
2. Wise
3. Nurturing
4. Protective
5. Peaceful Place 

Spiritual Figures: Spiritual figures can be religious or spiritual entities, such as deities, angels, or higher powers, that hold significance for the client's belief system. These figures provide spiritual support, faith, and comfort during the EMDR sessions connecting the client with their spiritual beliefs and resources.

Wise Figures: Wise figures are individuals who possess wisdom, guidance, and understanding. They can be real-life mentors, therapists, spiritual leaders, or even imaginary figures that represent

wisdom and insight. The role of wise figures is to offer guidance, encouragement, and perspective as the client navigates through the healing process.

Nurturing Figures: Nurturing figures are individuals who have been a source of love, care, and support in the client's life. They can be real people from the client's past or present, such as parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, or partners. The role of these figures is to offer emotional support and provide a sense of safety during trauma processing.

Protective Figures: Protective figures are individuals who have played a role in keeping the client safe and secure. They may be real people or fictional characters who symbolize strength and protection. These figures are called upon to create a sense of safety an shield the client from harm while working through distressing memories.